When you’re summer goes from the end of april to the beginning of September, you’d think you could write a few blogs. Not the lemmon sisters. But doesn’t it make this one all the more exciting? One can only hope we haven’t lost our adoring fans. ADORING. Am I right?
So what the heck have we been doing this whole time? What the heck haven’t we been doing? Oh so existential. Let’s review some of our favorite summer moments.
What we learned in summer 08:
-When dirt girl wants to feed the chipmunk cheetos; don’t interrupt. (fanSPAZtic)
-eating eAtInG EATING!
-Coach races pigeons in addition to falcons
-bone stimulators: can they work??
-Cecily has the stress reaction that won’t stop reacting.
-“Now is this island completely surrounded by water?” wow.
-chickens should be the state bird of Hawaii
-Kyle knows just enough about the Twilight series to carry on a conversation. And make fun of it
-Cecily’s room is clean! It can be done
-Jessica wore a pink dress. And flirted while wearing it.
-Unlike many dads, our dad encourages kissing. And more kissing.
-Brooklyn knows all the words to Popular from Wicked
-Cecily learned how to switch car seats from one car to another. Tricky business
-swimming with turtles=EXCELLENT! Their mannerisms match Finding Nemo exactly
-BYU cross country shirts work well as splints
-Don’t hike the Na Pali coast when it’s raining
-If you’re car is making funny noises, or is a really old ford windstar and struggles on the drive to Stinson Beach, it’s probably just been filled up with “bad gas”. It’s not the car’s fault.
-baby cougar shirts for cross country=VERY INTIMIDATING
-If the first 30 minutes of your bike ride is downhill, with the wind, and on gravel, it’s 50 minutes and hellish when you turn back around
-If you’re on Ghiradelli Square you gotta get the ice cream…even if the date appears to be going poorly
-We ate the last meal ever served in the old cannon center. Oh canc. How we will miss you.
-When coach gives you directions on the hill run and you get lost, it’s embarrassing to flag down cars for help when everyone is in BYU uniform
-the first night your missionary returns home is probably not the best time to review recent dating experiences
-When random people can pick you out of a crowd at a soccer game, it’s cool.
-When you get in the football game day program, it’s even cooler. Except then you’re family makes sure everyone and their dog knows about it.
-summer reading with mom is our favorite. We miss the goose girl.
-colin firth should never play the gay role. Never. It’s just wrong.
-ain’t no party like a rock band party. Jess knows more of those songs than you’d think.
-Tom Holmoe and Brian Santiago liked our skit. THE MOST
-Jenna and Stacy are freaking hilarious (Tyra Banks, Michael Phelps, etc…)
-The stereotype of Mormons and large quantities of large zucchinis is REAL! Real, people.
-The authority of coach: “How many people want to lift at 9:00? How many want 10:00? Okay, we’ll lift at 11”
-speaking of lifting…sorry Josh, we skipped push press and snatches all summer. We pick and choose our lifts. Oh yeah, clapping push-ups were out too.
-when you can’t race on east bay golf course, or cascade golf course, you get to do loops around the field at the track and the coaches call it a “unique course” and “spectator friendly”. They forgot “awful and boring; awfully boring”
-Charlie Boys Barbeque is SO GOOD
-usada and wada
-Lemmon and Lemmon Handheld Videography is not the best choice to immortalize your wedding… we’re not the worst… we barely edge out Dilford and Butts 8mm.
no ending.
We were supposed to post this awhile ago, but kept forgetting. More updates about school and what not to come.